學校專任運動教練出國研習自97年執行迄今已有8年,每年遴選項目皆以我國亞奧運重點暨具潛力奪牌項目為優先,出國進修地點亦從美國(田徑、棒球)、日本(柔道)、中國大陸(舉重、桌球、跆拳道、射箭) 以至匈牙利(角力、擊劍)、德國(輕艇競速)等地。 不僅獲得了最新的訓練資訊,更從参訪各國國家訓練基地實境中,讓教練們開啟了新的視野和見識。返國後教練們將其所學,內化成精髓運用在其訓練選手上,不僅在全中運、全大運、全國運等各級比賽中表現優異,更在今年2017臺北世界大學運動會上取得參賽的資格,其中:以跆拳道-楊唐源、舉重-屠國華、擊劍-賴里是等教練,最具代表性。 School full-time sports coach study abroad program has been implemented for 8 years since 2008, Taiwan selected sport that is likely to win in Olympic and Asian Games and sent coaches abroad for enhancement. The target countries for training are the United States (track and field, baseball), Japan (judo), Mainland China (weightlifting, table tennis, taekwondo, archery) and even Hungary (wrestling, fencing), Germany (light racing) and other places. Not only can we get the latest training information, but also from their personal experience in those national training center, coaches gain new vision and insight. After returning, coaches use the essence of what they learned on training team players, our sports records have improved in National High School Tournament, National University Sport Game and National Games. We are also qualified for the 2017 Universiade. Among them, the most representative ones are taekwondo-coach Yang Tangyuan, weightlifting–coach Tu Guohua, fencing-coach Lai Lishi.