經採集、查閱標本發現,蘭嶼地區所產之被鑑定為白新木薑子(Neolitsea serlcea var. sericea)者,作者們認為是金新木薑子(N. sericea var.aurata)之幼年木,蘭嶼只有金新木薑子這一變種。另經形態比較、花序解剖及比對國內外標本,產於台灣未定名之新木薑子屬植物,應定名為白新木薑子,其分佈區域,為台灣本島南橫公路以北至陽明山、林試所福山分所試驗林等地區。
After a survey of extensive collections from both the field and herbarium specimens, the species long recognized as Neolitsea sericea var. sericea of Lanyu Island was determined to be young seedlings of N. sericea var. aurata, the only variety on the island. Systematic studies of unknown plants scattered along the Southern Cross-Island Highway, On Yangming mt. and in the Experimental Forest of the Fushan Branch, TFRI, revealed to be N. sericea var. sericea, species widely distributed in Japan, eastern China and Korea.