摘要: | 於哈盆溪中上游,福山試驗林2號試驗集水區量水堰上方100m處,設置長200m、寬70m的1.4ha植物社會永久樣區,樣區長軸為南-北走向,跨越溪谷、下坡、中坡、上坡及稜線等不同地形:短軸為東西走向,大致與等高線平行。將1.4ha永久樣區約略沿等高線劃分為20個70×10m長條型分析樣區,進行植物社會分類及分布序列分析,樣區內調查胸徑≧1cm的木本植物之胸徑。
A 1.4-ha permanent plot (200×70 m) was set up in the no. 2 watershed of the Fushan Experimental Forest, northern Taiwan. Over an elevation range of 690-820 m, the long axis of the permanent plot crosses several different topographic units, which are ridge, upper slope, middle slope, low slope, and valley, while the short axis of the permanent plot nearly parallels the contour. This permanent plot was divided into twenty 70×10 m units (stands) for vegetation classification and ordination analysis. All woody species with a dbh ≧1 cm were recorded.
The families of Lauraceae, Fagaceae, and Theaceae dominated this area. Three habitat types were derived based on the results of TWINSPAN analysis. They were ridge-upper slope habitat type (RU type), middle-low slope habitat type (ML type), and valley habitat type (V type). The characteristic species of the RU type were Myrsine sequinii, Ilex goshiensis, Itea parviflora, Syzygium buxifolium, flex uraiensis, Rhododendron ellipticum, and Ternstroemia gymnanthera; the characteristic species of the V type were Callicarpa dichotoma, Aralia bipinnata, Villebrunea pedunculata, and Cyclobalanopsis gilva. The species composition of the ML type characterizes the ecotone between the RU and V types, and Cinnamomum micranthum was the only characteristic species. Species richness, species diversity, basal area, and density were highest in the RU type, and decreased downslope gradually toward the ML and V type habitats.
The results of ordination indicated that elevation, effective soil depth, and mean canopy height correlated to axis 1 of DCA (detrednded correspondence analysis). The RU type had the greatest elevation, effective soil depth, and mean canopy height. In contrast, the V type had the lowest elevation, effective soil depth, and mean canopy height. The slope was greater in the ML type area. Topography was significantly correlated with soil disturbance, which induced differentiation of micro-environmental factors and species compositions. The result also revealed that the 3 habitat types significantly differ in species composition and several quantitative parameters. |