Recently, the salary lever is the most popular topic in Taiwan. Many scholars believe that Taiwan will become a society of the wealth gap. Especially the young people are difficult to obtain the high income. According to the Ministry of Finance Income Tax Report, we found the age and salary grow simultaneously but the wealth gap befalls same age group. We would like to know which characteristics will cause the young people who get high salary or low salary. These characteristics not only affect the people’s life and income but also cause young people are afraid of marriage. This problem needs us to concern.
This research use the youth employment status Investigation report of Ministry of Labor of 2008, 2010 and 2012 to analyze personal characteristics, job requirements and job market.
First of all, we should understand the situation of the sample’s concentrated and dispersed distribution. Second, we need to figure out the interrelationship of the personal characteristics and the job market. Finally, find out the critical factor which causes the young people to get the high or low salary job and explain the young people require which abilities and characteristics.
In the future, the wealth gap will worse. The government and relative departments have to face this problem and find the effective solutions.