本文旨在探討一語為華語母語者(簡稱華語一語者)與華語二語學習者(簡稱華語二語學習者)對華語同音字認知的差異,本研究以大台北地區的文宣廣告、公益廣告為例,以了解華語二語學習者在同音異形字認知所受到的影響。現代漢語是由聲母和韻母共同組成的單音節語言,受到聲母和韻母的數量限制,21個聲母及39個韻母僅能組成432種音節,若加上「陰陽上去」四個聲調的配合,也僅有1,376個不同的音節,因此漢語的同音同調字數量極大。本研究觀察廣告招牌文宣充分利用了漢語同音同調字的特性,利用眾人皆知的成語、熟語或諺語的同音形異字,將其中幾個字以同音同調或近音同調的漢字代替,以達到廣告的目的,但也容易造成學習者漢字的誤用及語義的誤解。本研究以具文化意涵及非文化意涵的同音字為主要變數,經由問卷調查的方式探討華語一語者與華語二語學習者,對於華語同音字的認知差異。研究假設華語一語者與華語二語學習者對具有文化意涵及非文化意涵的同音字在字形、字音、字義的認知上有顯著差異。本研究的問卷需求採用兩種填答方式,一種是「開放式答題」(open-ended response)不限答題的方法,允許填答者在問題有關的範圍內,用自由的方式填答;另一種是「封閉式答題」(closed response)限制答題的範圍和填答的方式,此填答的方式方能同時測出華語二語學習者對於同音字的字形、字義、義音的認知,並兼顧不同語言背景華語二語學習者的需求。問卷回收後透過SPSS軟體進行描述統計及單因字變異述分析。本研究經檢驗結果得知經檢定其變數後,其中漢字圈和非漢字圈在具文化意涵及非文化意涵同音字之字形、字音、字義的認知上,未達顯著性差異;相對地在漢字圈和華語一語者、非漢字圈和華語一語者在具文化意涵及非文化意涵同音字在字形、字音、字義的認知上,達到具有顯著性差異的水準,研究結果顯示華語一語者、華語二語學習者不論是漢字圈或是非漢字圈因有著不同的母語背景,其對華語同音字的認知有明顯的差異。顯示出華語二語者必須經由相當地時間的習得,才能夠對同音字有正確的理解與運用。期望本研究的結果可以提供日後華語同音字的教學與研究之參考。
This study tried to find out the difference between Chinese homophone cognition of Chinese native speakers and Chinese as a Second Language learner. The study took the great Taipei area commercial ads and public service ads for examples to understand how homophones influence the cognition of Chinese as a Second Language learner. Since the modern Chinese is the single syllable language which is composed of consonants and rhymes together. Due to the limitation of amount of consonant and rhymes, 21 consonants and 39 rhymes could only build 432 syllables, even with yīn yáng shàng qù 4 tones together to build up 1,376 syllables in total. Thus, there are a large number of homophones in Chinese. The author noticed that modern commercial ads make the best use of Chinese homophones by using well-known idioms, proverbs and sayings, and replace some Chinese characters with the same or similar pronunciations to achieve the effects of ads. However, these would make learners of Chinese misunderstand and misuse the words easily. This study assumed Chinese native speakers and Chinese as a Second Language learners have significant differences of cognition towards form / meaning / phonetic value of Chinese characters in homophones with cultural implications and the ones lack cultural implications. Therefore, this study takes cultural implications and non-cultural implications homophones as variables to investigate the differences of cognition of homophones for Chinese native speakers and Chinese as a Second Language learners by questionnaires. The questionnaires consist of two types of questions. One is open-ended response, which allowed the answerers to reply the questions freely in the related range; the other is closed response, which restricted the answerers’ freedom of response and they could acquire the cognition through association of form / meaning / phonetic value of Chinese characters. Then the questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS. The results show that there's no significant differences of cognition towards form / meaning / phonetic value of Chinese characters in homophones with cultural implications and the ones lack cultural implications for Chinese-character sphere and non-Chinese-character sphere. On the other hand, there're significant differences of cognition towards form / meaning / phonetic value of Chinese characters in homophones with cultural implications and the ones lack cultural implications for both Chinese-character sphere and non-Chinese-character sphere as compared with Chinese native speakers. In the end, the paper suggested that Chinese as a Second Language learners could understand and use Chinese homophones properly after spending more time in learning. Finally, the author hopes the results could help the education and research of Chinese homophones in the future.