Since the amendment of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act correction in 2000 and the addition of “Historical Building” as a new category of Cultural Heritage, there has been 1359 recorded historical buildings. The number is not only far more than all the other categories (such as historic monuments, settlement, ruins and cultural landscape), but it continues to increase year by year. However, because the protection of historical buildings are not as restrictive as the monuments in restoration and management, there is rising debate over the standard of protection. Thus, this paper aims to apply people’s examines perception on visiting experience. Especially through a combined method of space syntax and behavioral mapping, the primary goal is to reflect on the recent boom of historical building reuse.
Specifically, this study will take the highest density of historical buildings in Dihua Street, Taipei City, as a field, taking the Boan 84 Space、the rice truss and the URS27W three historic buildings of different usage types as the research objects. By classification and sub-type The horizontal comparison study identifies the spatial elements that affect users' recognition of historic buildings and summarizes the design principles for the activation and reuse of historical buildings.