摘要: | 約在一千七百餘年前的魏晉時期,中國即開始流傳女子的丈夫(愛人)因種種原因而離開,卻久不見返回,女子經年累月,引頸企盼丈夫(愛人)歸來,依舊不見丈夫(愛人)蹤影,最後女子變成石頭的「望夫石傳說」。事實上,中國所在的東亞地區,包括東北亞的韓國、日本,東南亞的越南,亦有望夫石傳說,韓國更有蔚山市蔚州郡、井邑市、西歸浦市、泰安郡四地流傳,並且各有特色,男子離開女子的原因多樣,或因戰事、行商、謀生等等。基於此,引發筆者繼中國望夫石傳說之後,研究韓國望夫石傳說的動機。因此,本文即先以蔚山蔚州等四地為例,進行其望夫石傳說的相關論述。
Around one thousand seven hundred years ago at the time of Wei and Jin Dynasties, the wives' husbands (lovers) in China began to circle around and for a variety of reasons they had to leave their home, and did not return for long years, the wife eagerly looked forward to the return of her husband, but as she hasn't seen any trace of her long-awaited husband, at the she turned into a stone「Husband Waiting Rock Legends」. In fact, there are more「Husband Waiting Rock Legends」at China's East Asia region, including Korea and Japan in Northeast Asia, Vietnam in Southeast Asia. There are also legends In Korea spread from four different areas:「Ulsan Gwangyeoksi Ulju-gun」,「Jeongeup-si」, 「Seogwipo-si」,「Taean-gun」each has its own characteristic. The man leaves the woman for different kinds of purposes, e.g.: war, business, make a living and so on and so forth. Based on this, after the continuation of Chinese Husband Waiting Rock Legends, it triggered the author's motivation to the research of Korean Husband Waiting Rock Legends. Therefore, this paper takes Ulsan Gwangyeoksi Ulju-gun four areas as an example, and carry out explanations related to Husband Waiting Rock Legends. |