金門地方信仰盛行的民間道教科儀有二系,一為正一道,方言稱其道法儀式主持者為「師公」(shāi gōng),兼作慶醮吉禮和喪事功德;一為閭山派,方言稱其道法儀式主持者為「法師」(huāt shi),以慶醮吉禮為主,道壇儀式盛行於金門各村落公廟與私人神壇之間。本文透過一個1940年代金門閭山道壇手抄科儀經書內容的全面爬梳,理解各科儀式所請神明職能及其儀式功能,並透過比對手抄經文的增刪段落,窺測其間反映的信仰與社會民情的深刻互動,以及儀式體現的神教功能。
Kinmen local folk beliefs prevalent Taoist ritual has two lines, one for "zhèng yi dao", who presided over the ceremony called "shāi gōng" in dialect, they do celebrate the funeral ceremony Chiu have done; one for Lu Shan Sect, ceremony presiding dialect called "huāt shi", they specialize in ritual celebration, ceremony locations include the village temple and a private altar. In this paper, a comprehensive finishing Kinmen Lu Shan Tech altar handwritten content by writing in the 1940s, the book analyzes the functions please the gods, and the book reflects the ritual function. Further than similar verses handwritten additions and deletions of content, interactive discovery profound sentiments of faith and social practice.