摘要: | 本研究對於南投縣空氣品質淨化區(空品區)碳削減量進行調查,共調查12個空品區,紀錄5,342株喬木,數量最多的是魚池鄉第12公墓,共有1,021株,而草屯鎮碧峰里雖有853株,但主要以灌木為主,喬木為81株。調查發現各空品區平均樹高與平均胸徑皆低,平均樹高僅集集環鎮自行車道、集集第3公墓及南投市茄苳腳段超過5m,全縣平均樹高僅3.25m;全縣之平均胸徑為3.86cm,僅集集鎮第三公墓與集集鎮環鎮自行車道超過6cm,可知南投縣空品區內所栽植林木多為小樹,需要時間成長。12個空品區內喬木材積109.49 m^3,總碳削減量為46.74 ton,二氧化碳削減量171.53ton,由此推估全縣碳削減量為11,531.51 ton,換算二氧化碳吸存量為42,320.64 ton。碳削減量會與樹高、胸高直徑成正比,因此縣內空品區林木施以妥善的照顧與足夠的時間後,未來含碳削減量將隨著樹木的成長會有可觀的增加。並建議年南投縣政府至少每兩年進行一次調查,以建立南投縣空品區林木生長與碳削減資料庫。
This study investigated carbon reduction in 12 air quality purification zones (AQPZs) in Nantou County, Taiwan, including 5,342 trees, the largest number (1,021) being in Cemetery Number 12, Yuchih Township, followed by 853 in Tsaotun Township, although these consisted mainly of shrubs with only 81 trees. The investigation found that mean height and mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees in each AQPZ was low. Mean tree height was greater than 5 m only at the Jiji Township bicycle path, Jiji Cemetery Number 3, and the Nantou City Jiadongjia path, with mean tree height for the whole county at 3.25 m. Mean DBH for the whole county was 3.86 cm, with mean DBH greater than 6 cm only at Jiji Cemetery Number 3 and Jiji Township bicycle path, showing that tree plantings in Nantou County AQPZs consisted mainly of small trees needing time to grow. Timber volume in the 12 AQPZs was 109.49 m^3, total carbon reduction 46.74 metric tons, and carbon dioxide reduction 171.53 metric tons, which could be extrapolated to 11,531.51 metric tons carbon reduction or 42,320.64 metric tons carbon dioxide sequestration for the whole county. Carbon reduction was positively correlated with tree height and DBH. Therefore, given proper care and sufficient time, carbon reduction of forests in AQPZs in Nantou County will increase considerably with tree growth in the future. It is recommended that Nantou County government conduct such surveys at least once every two years in order to establish a database for forest growth and carbon reduction in Nantou County AQPZs. |