由於美容行業的發展,相關人才的需求愈益增加,高中職美容類科的設置亦如雨後春筍般,故本研究以高職美容科學生為研究對象。探討其個人背景變項、特別是畢業前職場實習美容工作經驗和價值觀對未來就業決策之影響研究,採李克特(Likert type)五點尺度衡量表(1=非常不同意;5=非常同意),設計問卷「人格特質量表」、「美容工作經驗量表」、「價值觀量表」三部分量表,蒐集研究對象新竹高職美容科學生450人,有效問卷334份。其研究結果如下:研究結果發現美容科學生在美容工作經驗當中最重視「職業技能」,高於「工作環境」。美容科學生在「工作價值觀」是屬於正面,也代表美容科學生對於未來工作的看法是屬於較積極、樂觀的。正面的「自我價值觀」,也代表美容科學生以自我充實和發揮創意對自我期許。在美容工作經驗方面:「職業技能」的增加及價值觀方面「自我價值觀」愈重視,選擇美容美髮相關就業之機率愈增加。此外,家長的關懷、教育態度、學生人格特質的培養及生涯發展的規劃等都影嚮學生就業決策甚鉅,值得進一步探討。
The establishment of department of beautician in vocational high school and the number of students has increased year by year, due to the development of the beauty industry. Practical training is emphasied, therefore, the students of vocational school have more advantage for the job concern. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of personal background, working experience and personal value on the decision making for students’ furture beautify career. Five points scale (1=extremely not agreeable; 5=extremely agreeable) was used for "scale of personal background, working experience and personal value." 350 effective guestionnaires were collected and analysed by SPSS for Windows 18.0. The results are as follow: The results showed that "vocational skill" is the most important one among all working experience and "work environment" is the least important. They are aggressive, optimistic to their future career when they have positive "personal value". If students have positive "self-value", they will expect themselves to have self-enrichment and creativity. Regards to the "working experience", if students strength their "vocational skill", the probability that they choose hairdressing as their career will increase. When they have more emphasis on "self-value", the probability of choosing choose hairdressing as their career will increase too. In addition, parents' care & attitude and student's personality & career planning are very important factor affecting the job decision, therefore, it is need study.