本研究旨在探討葛根澱粉凝膠和回凝特性。以台灣、中國與日本之葛根為受試之樣品,將葛根澱粉經萃取分離、純化,再以示差掃描熱分析、X-ray繞射分析、質地特性和掃描式電子顯微觀察等方法,進行葛根澱粉的凝膠和回凝特性上之探討。結果顯示:葛根澱粉熱焓值隨著貯存時間的增加而顯著上升但至第14天後達一平緩期。回凝之澱粉的結晶程度會隨貯存天數增加,並產生典型的B型結晶之繞射尖峰。葛根澱粉凝膠之質地以台灣葛根澱粉的硬度(78.23 g)與膠質感(74.35 g)較高,中國之葛根澱粉較低,而日本之葛根澱粉則是介於二者之間,此與葛根澱粉的直鏈澱粉之含量有關。整體而言,葛根澱粉之直鏈澱粉含量與其膠體硬度、膠質感及咀嚼性呈顯著正相關,但與附著性呈負相關。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the retrogradation and gel properties of pueraria root starches from different areas. Pueraria root starches were used as the raw material. The retrogradation behavior and gel properties were determined by differential scanning calorimetery (DSC), texture profile analysis (TPA) and scanning electron microscopy SEM. The results indicated that Taiwanese pueraria root starch had high hardness (78.23 g) and gumminess (74.35 g) but Chinese pueraria root starch had low hardness and gumminess. The X-ray diffractograms showed the typical signals of B-type crystalline and an exceptional signal of 2θ=17°or 2θ=22°in the retrogradated starch systems. The amylose content had positive correlations with hardness, gumminess and chewinesss, but had a negative correlation with adhesiveness.