竹子湖位於陽明山國家公園內,為一個湖水退去的天然堰塞湖谷地,湖水退去後留下肥沃之土壤,其後當地居民將土壤變為水田種植海芋,成為許多水棲昆蟲之棲息地。但近年面臨商業開發,造成當地環境嚴重破壞。本研究在竹子湖設立5 個樣區,將採集到之水棲昆蟲加以鑑定分類,並計算統計出水棲昆蟲之歧異度指數。本研究調查結果,共發現5目10科之水棲昆蟲,探討水棲昆蟲與水質之關係,溪流型態樣區水質較佳,優勢種為四節蜉蝣科;商家行為影響較大之樣區,其水質較差,優勢種多為搖蚊科。因此為竹子湖之生態永續發展,建議竹子湖商家應審慎評估其商業行為是否對環境造成干擾,以減少水棲昆蟲對環境之衝擊。
Zhuzihu is a drained dammed lake located at the Yangmingshan National Park. Fertile soil was left after the water drained. The residents built many ponds there, which have become habitats for many aquatic insects. The area has undergone serious development, resulting in environmental degradation. The variety of aquatic insects is an index of water quality. This study will set up 5 plots at the Zhuziuh. Aquatic insects will be collected and identified in the laboratory. The survey results were found in five orders, 10 families of aquatic insects, after investigate the relationship between water quality and aquatic insects result that the section level of Family-Level Biotic Index (FBI) to assess water quality more accurately. The number one of quadrat's water quality is better by comparison of the results, the dominant species was Baetidae. While the the business practices of quadrat who produced serious impact, the water quality was poorer, the dominant species was mostly Chironomidae. So for the ecological sustainable development at the Zhuzihu, the suggested Zhuzihu's businesses should carefully assess their business practices whether on the environment cause interference, hope to reduce the impact on aquatic insect environment.