壽山是臺灣首座成立之國家級自然公園,所以本研究旨在探討重遊遊客對壽山國家自然公園成立前後的環境認知之差異。採立意抽樣實施問卷發放,共計回收354份,有效率約為92%。數據處理分析採用T檢定與重要表現程度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)來呈現差異性及擬定管理策略。研究結果發現,目前重遊遊客普遍對壽山的觀感皆屬中高認同度(總均值約3.815,趨近於5),設立國家然公園有助於環境認知的提昇;但意外發現,國家自然公園設立後,遊客對環境認知題項之可達到人與環境共生的目標,呈現明顯下降趨勢(前後差異值0.18),代表現階段國家自然公園的經營管理仍有不足,導致多數遊客認為生態或文化學習的價值較低。未來可藉由明確的環境教育宣導,將有助於遊客對環境認知的提昇。
This study intends to investigate differences in tourists' overall identity of Shoushan and environmental cognition of establishment of national nature park before/after the establishment of Shoushan National Nature Park. This study conducted a questionnaire survey, and used purposive sampling to select samples. A total of 354 questionnaires were returned, with a valid return rate of 92%. In terms of analysis, t test and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) were used to reflect differences and develop management strategies. The results showed that revisit tourists' identity of Shoushan was high in the 5-point scale (overall mean 3.815, which was close to 5). After the establishment of national nature park, the concept of environmental cognition was also improved. Although the environmental cognition of tourists was improved after the establishment of national nature park, the objective of coexistence between human beings and environment was significantly reduced (pre-and-post difference was 0.18). This result showed that the implementation of purposes was still insufficient, which made most tourists suggest that there was no significant ecological or cultural learning value in Shoushan. Specific environmental education propaganda is recommended to be implemented in the future to guide tourists to perceive the importance of environmental protection and the findings will provide the related authorities to promote tourists on national natural park environmental identity.