林地分級為目前國內林業經營之首要工作,其分級合理與否,除需適 合之林地分級作業體系之外,周全的森林資訊以及其儲存、整合及分析功能之地 理資訊系統亦扮演著重要的角色。本文旨在探討地理資訊系統在林地分級應用可 行性,並以林試所六龜試驗林為例,期建立一符合生態原則和適合國內參考使用 之林地分級作業體系,研究內容包括六龜試驗林基本資料之建立、資料分析,到 應用地理資訊系統技術和多變值統計分析完成經濟林地、自然生態保育區及自然 教育區之分級工作,並針對該項林地分級工作,提出幾點建議。
Forest land classification is currently an important issue in Taiwan forest management. To achieve a reasonable classification, establishing enough forest information and applying Geographic Information System (GIS) technique plays an important role. This study was to investigate the feasibility of applying GIS technique in forest land classification of Lukuei experimental forest. The objective was to establish a forest land classification system which is suitable to Taiwan forest. The research content includes the establishment of basic forest information, data analysis, and the completeness of forest land classification by using GIS technique and multivariate statistical analysis. Finally, some suggestations are proposed.