摘要: | 全球化影響之下,人口增加和都市化導致的自然透水區域逐步更換為人造不透水鋪面。受 到極端氣候影響,短延時強降雨的發生頻率不斷增加,各國皆推動著以低衝擊開發(LID)建構 海綿城市的環境品質。但在大規模建成都市範圍內,如何有效地界定並規劃LID的實施方式及地 區,極須一個評估系統來研擬規劃。另外,在寒帶氣候都市裡,受到氣候影響LID實施技術,亦 應修訂滲水及滯水量,並選澤適當的方法以供發展。 本研究計畫為延續科技部十年度的專題研究計畫之系列研究:「綠色基盤對都市生態服務 之氣候調節功能評估-- 城鄉梯度演變模型(Ⅰ、II) ( MOST 103-2221-E-034 -005 )」;「以都市街 廓尺度探討綠覆率對空氣溫度及耗電量之影響評估模式之研究—結構方程模式法(Ⅰ、II)( NSC 101-2221-E-034 -022) (NSC 101-2221-E-034 -022)」;「以都市設計管制方法減緩都市住區熱環 境之研究[NSC: 97-2221-E-034-013; NSC: 98-2221-E-034-018 -MY2]」;「以航測與GIS法探討都 市土地使用變遷對綠環境品質之影響(Ⅰ、Ⅱ) (NSC : 95-2211-E-034-004;NSC : 96-2211 -E-034-004)」;「以遙感探測與GIS法探討地區住居型態影響熱島效應之經濟分析(Ⅰ) (NSC : 94-2211-E-034-004)」;「土地使用管制對綠建築社區影響評估模式之研究—結構方程模式法(I、 Ⅱ) (NSC: 92-2211-E-034-004;NSC: 93-2211-E- 034-004)」等計畫研究成果的後續研究計畫,進 一步應用Landsat 8衛星影像以低衝擊開發(LID)技術模擬海綿城市之雨洪管理。 研究宗旨以Landsat 8衛星影像探討都市地表面覆蓋特徵,建置SWMM分析模型,再以LID 技術運用至亞熱帶氣候區的雙北市及寒帶氣候區哈爾濱市等易淹水地區,解析地表徑流的雨洪 管理措施。研究進行過程中,將與哈爾濱工業大學城市規劃研究所合作,對於暴雪結冰凍土溶 雪等特質,檢視LID技術之實施效果,修訂滲水保水量。進而提出都市雨洪管理改善政策之建議。 本研究為三年期計畫:第一年期研究內容包括:第一年期研究內容包括:研析低衝擊開發(LID) 技術,海綿城市雨洪管理之理論架構;研析我國海綿城市雨洪管理之政策與法制規範;以遙測 及Landsat 8分析方法,建置2015年,台北都會地區及哈爾濱市之地形土地使用資料;初步建構 「低衝擊開發(LID)技術模擬海綿城市之雨洪管理」及個案操作。第二年期研究內容包括:研析 海綿城市雨洪管理之低衝擊開發(LID)技術;與哈爾濱工業大學城市規劃研究所合作,比較探討 亞熱帶氣候區與寒帶氣候區之易淹水地區,運用低衝擊開發(LID)技術之調適修正;修定亞熱 帶氣候區與寒帶氣候區之LID 技術與滲水保水量之資料。第三年期研究內容包括:修正第一階 段「低衝擊開發(LID)技術模擬海綿城市之雨洪管理」之相關參數;基於SWMM的水文分析模型, 分析台北都會區導入LID 技術,產生之雨洪管理效益。以SWMM的水文分析模型,分析哈爾濱 市導入LID 技術,產生之雨洪管理效益。比較不同地區運用低衝擊開發(LID)技術模擬海綿城市 之雨洪管理,研提都市地區之相關改善策略。
Globally, the increase in population and urbanization leads to the gradual replacement of naturally pervious areas with man-made impervious materials. Due to the extreme climate, the flash flood is also increasing; every country is promoting low impact development (LID) to construct sponge city environmental quality. Retrospection existing urban areas with LID techniques frequently involves medications to town scale, throughout the watershed. Hence, high-resolution models representing detailed sub catchments are needed to run rainfall–run-off simulations to accurately estimate the benefits of LIDs. In addition, when LID technologies implemented on frigidity city, it should be revised hydrologic model and select the appropriate method for development. This research is a continue series research of the special subject of Ministry of Science and Technology, “Urban ecosystem services climate regulation assessment by green infrastructure – change of rural–urban gradient (Ⅰ,II) (MOST 103-2221-E-034 -005 )”, and also: “City-block-scale assessment model of green coverage to air temperature and electricity consumption-- structural equation modeling method ( Ⅰ ,II)(NSC 101-2221-E-034 -022) (NSC 101-2221-E-034 -022)”, “Thermal comfort improving for urban residential areas using the approach of urban design control(NSC 97-2221-E-034 -013; NSC 98-2221-E-034 -018 -MY2)”, “Life Cycle assessment of Green Environmental Quality Due To Urban Land Use Change Using Remote Sensing and GIS measurements(Ⅰ,Ⅱ) (NSC:95-2211-E-034-004;NSC:96-2211-E-034-004)”, “Economic Analysis of Residential Developments to Affect Urban Heat Island Using Remote Sensing and GIS measurements(Ⅰ) ( NSC 94-2211-E-034 -003)”, “Assessable modeling of zoning control to affect sustainable urban community--Method of structural equation modeling” (NSC 92-2211-E- 034–004; NSC 93-2211-E-034-004), it also was a next stage of “The study of zoning control strategies of sustainable urban residential area (NSC90-2211-E-034-004; NSC91-2211-E-034-001)” and so on. Based on those researches, it uses Landsat 8 satellite imagery to model urban drainage system with low impact development (LID) techniques. This study presents a two-stage classification process on a high-resolution Landsat 8 image, and demonstrates how to use the extracted land cover information in the subsequent hydrologic modeling and assessment of different LIDs’ performance. It will cooperate with Graduated school of Urban Planning, Harbin Institute of Technology during this research to revised seepage water retention of the LID technical effects on blizzard, frozen, permafrost, melting snow and other characteristics. In this three years’ research, the first-year studies include: Analysis LID technology and Landsat 8 with object-based classification analysis. Then, research with Harbin Institute of Technology to revised hydrologic model. The third year, based on hydrologic model of SWMM, analyze LID imported technology on stormwater management efficiency in NewTaipei and Harbin city. |