本研究計畫的主要目的在於探索當前台灣高教環境失衡之結構衝擊下,大專教師面對失業危機時 如何因應與轉化。本研究計畫將採生涯韌性為理論視框,加上德行存在生涯模式、敘事取向生涯諮商 作為形成介入方案的參考架構,嘗試針對失業大專教師進行經驗探究與介入試驗。因此本研究規劃了 二年期研究計畫。第一年計畫採敘說研究法,對研究參與者深度訪談其問題困境敘事、生命敘事、願 景與未來敘事等,並分析共通性以形成初步理論模式。第二年計畫再以第一年結果為基礎,融合德行 存在生涯模式、敘事取向生涯諮商等建構出生涯介入方案。然後再對失業大專教師進行介入之行動研 究,包括紀錄歷程資料、後續追蹤訪談、行動後反思,最後從反思中修正生涯介入方案及其模式。預 期本研究計畫之成果將可提供相關主管機關、輔導協助機構、大專院校以及個別大專教師等在高教結 構變遷中的政策制定、輔導機制設計以及自我照顧與反思等提供具體參考。
The main purpose of this research is to explore how the college teachers face and cope with the unemployment crisis in this current imbalance college constructure in Taiwan. This research will adopt career resilience as the theory frame and the virtue existential career model and the narrative career counseling as reference, trying to explore and intervening experiences for unemployed college teachers. This study plans for a two-year research. In the first year, it takes narrative approach, having in-depth interviews to participants about their difficulties, life narratives, visions and the future, etc. and analyzing similarities to form a preliminary model. The second-year project will be based on the results of the first year, fusing the virtue existential career model and narrative career counseling to construct a career intervention project. Then taking the action research as the intervention for unemployed college teachers, including the process, follow-up interviews, and reflections on action, and amend the career interventions and model from these reflections. It’s expected the result of this research will provide the relevant authorities, guidance institutes, colleges, and college teachers some specific references, such as policies, guidance mechanisms, self-care and reflections.