本計畫是將以近年來在科技部計畫經費補助下所開發的可撓性感測元件製造技術,主要是以開 發室溫(具節能功用)、簡單、低成本的製膜技術,製備結構穩定、均勻的高靈敏性感濕及感氣薄膜 材料應用於可撓性(flexible)高靈敏性化學感測元件(chemical sensors)化學性鍵結成膜技術基礎之下, 再進一步針對未來穿戴式裝置(wearable devices)的呼吸照護智慧衣(Breath monitoring smart clothes) 來開發、製作具高感度、高選擇性、柔軟化(soft)及伸縮化(stretchable)特性的化學感測器(chemical sensors)。內容分為兩部份,第一部份以共聚合法製作柔軟化及伸縮化的耐水性又具吸濕性的共聚合 物之軟性有機濕度感測薄膜,及採用衣物常用的紡織品基材種類來製作感測器基板,及利用導電紗 當電極,或是直接以濺鍍儀在不導電的紡織線鍍上金導電膜當導電電極,基板電極的pattern 設計為 平行電極,來開發呼吸照護智慧衣內所需的伸縮性濕度感測器。第二部份將進一步開發微小化的呼 吸照護智慧衣的氣體感測器,首先應用於偵測呼氣中的NH3 氣。為微小化,直接在導電紗電極上, 或是在不導電的紡織線鍍上金導電膜電極上成長氧化石墨烯為感測材料之三明治結構型的呼吸照護 智慧衣內所需的伸縮性NH3 氣感測器。
According our previous reports, the flexible chemical sensors that were based on polypyrrole, graphene oxides and copolymers were fabricated by using chemical covalently anchored technique. In this study, the high sensitivity, good selectivity, soft and stretchable smart chemical sensors for using in breath monitoring smart clothes were fabricated by using soft and stretchable sensing-materials that were chemical covalently anchored on the textiles and conducting fiber. First year, a soft and stretchable humidity sensor based on copolymer of methyl methacrylate, and (3-(methacrylamino)propyl] trimethyl ammonium chloride coated on the textiles with parallel electrodes. The stretchable electrical and humidity-sensing properties of the stretchable humidity sensors were investigated. Second year, soft and stretchable NH3 gas sensors based on graphene oxides that were chemical covalently anchored textiles with sandwich-type electrodes. The stretchable electrical and gas-sensing properties of the stretchable NH3 gas sensors were investigated.