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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://irlib.pccu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/39427

    Title: 小資女郵輪夢:兩岸年輕女性消費者郵輪旅遊產品購買決策過程之比較研究
    A Comparative Research Regarding Decision-Making Process of Cruise Travel Merchandise Purchase by Cross-Strait Female Tourists of Millennials
    Authors: 陳玟妤
    Contributors: 觀光系
    Keywords: 郵輪旅遊
    Date: 2017-2018
    Issue Date: 2018-03-02 15:17:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 21世紀的亞洲旅遊市場,年輕女性消費者漸漸成為旅遊市場的主力族群。而這 群年輕女性消費者,通常願意花較多時間及可支配的金錢來從事旅遊活動,她們往 往被視為是具有發展潛力的新觀光客群。而近年來因應亞洲郵輪旅遊市場快速崛 起,而大多數亞洲的郵輪旅遊產品皆是經由旅行社販售,因此,針對新的年輕女性 郵輪產品消費旅遊族群,對於兩岸旅行社業者而言,更是一塊值得開發與深耕的新 市場。然而,過往研究,並沒有針對年輕女性消費者參加郵輪團體套裝旅遊產品之 相關研究,故本研究預計結合質化與量化兩種研究方式,將兩岸年輕女性遊客選擇 郵輪旅遊產品之三階段購買過程相關影響因素萃取出。首先,透過相關文獻回顧、 業者專家深度訪談、台灣女性消費者三場焦點團體及中國大陸女性消費者三場焦點 團體方式,進行購買過程三階段影響因素探索,並藉由內容分析法進行分析。爾後, 再結合成實際問卷內容,並針對台灣與中國大陸各300位年輕女性遊客進行問卷調 查,進一步比較兩岸年輕女性遊客在購買過程中之影響因素的差異與重要性。本研 究結果將可拓展過往關於郵輪旅遊年輕女性消費者研究不足之處;並在實務上,藉 由本研究結果提供旅行社業者及郵輪業者未來對於兩岸郵輪旅遊產品的年輕女姓遊 客之客群經營,有明確的行銷策略與參考依據。
    Obviously, Asian tourism market regarding cruise travel has become more and more popular amid the Asian travelers in the 21st century, in particular, when it comes to cross-strait female tourists of millennial s. The cross-strait young female tourists, with their purchasing power exponentially aggrandized, are deemed the most potential consumers seeking for cruise travel. Majority of previous studies in relation to cruise tourism mainly focused on the governmental policies, the significance of cruise travel providers and post-purchasing behavior analysis, however, the fundamental issues, i.e. necessity and wants regarding the cruise tourists are rarely explored. Accordingly, the present research will incorporate qualitative method (literature review, in-depth interviews, and three focus groups in Taiwan and the other three focus groups in Mainland China) and quantitative (questionnaire) approach to analyze the decision-making process concerning the young female tourists. The research results are not merely beneficial for the cruise line operators but also the tourism industry aiming at reinforcing the cruise travel while enhancing the overall quality of cruise tourism merchandise. Moreover, it proffers relatively insightful reference in relation to the emerging market regarding the cross-strait female tourists of millennials.
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Tourism & Graduate Institute of Tourism Industry ] project

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