本研究旨在針對林業試驗所六龜試驗林之林地分級問題,建立一適宜林地生產力分 析之林地分決支援系統,供現場森林經營者妥適規劃林地之用。研究過程係以試驗林一級河 集區為基本的經營單元,除了先建立供林地分級決支援系統所需之資料庫之外,並針業與林 地生產力有關之坡度和土壤因子,研擬林地適宜生產之準則及建立相關的知識庫,然後再以 美國林務署所開發的生態系經營決策支援系統為架構,建立林地分級決策系統。同時,為探 討林地分級決策支援系統所使用的模糊邏輯法和傳統二分法對林地分級之影響,亦分別依據 研擬的準則予以分析和比較。 研究結果指出,整合與林地生產力有關之資料庫和知識庫所建構的林地分汲決策支援系 統,可迅速有效地分析和評估六龜試驗林之林地生產適宜性。同時,亦可視實際需要,輕易 地調整評估區域的範圍或隨時增減相關因子或改變評估的準則,即時得到林地適宜性之評估 結果。此外,模糊邏輯法因理論上較符合生態環境之特性,亦即考量到生態因子間之交互作 用和相互補償的效果。故較傳統二分法更能得到合理的分級結果。因此,究所建立的林地分 級決策支援系統,除可供六龜試驗林林地分級規劃之外,亦可供未來全國林地分級和生態系 經營之參考。
This study establishes a decision support system for forest mangers to use for reasonable planning of forestland classification. The Liukuei Experimental Forest of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute was chosen as a study site, and watersheds of the first-order streams were regarded as a basic management unit for the evaluation of forestland suitability analysis. The processes included the establishment of databases and knowledge bases for forestland suitability analysis, the establishment of a decision support system of forestland classification by referring to the framework of ecosystem decision support system developed by the US Forest Service, and comparisons of forestland classifications between traditional binary and fuzzy logic approaches. The results indicate that the established decision support system can effectively and feasibly analyze and evaluate the suitability of forestland productivity. Meanwhile, the system can easily produce the output of forestland suitability by adjusting the assessment areas, variables, and criteria. In addition, the output generated by the fuzzy logic approach is more realistic than that using the traditional binary approach because the former corresponds to ecological phenomena, i.e., it considers interactions and compensational effects among ecological factors . Therefore, the decision support system of forestland classification established in this study can be used not only for forestland planning of the Liukuei Experimental Forest, but also for reference for island-wide forestland classification and ecosystem management.