為了解中國理水原則之水環境對居住者生活滿意度的影響,本文特針對臺北市景 美溪畔,位於河流環抱側和反曲側的沿岸居民進行生活滿意度調查。就整體環境而言,不論 是住在環抱側或是反曲側的受訪區均擁有良好的視野景觀、日照和通風條件,但在生活的滿 意度方面卻是環抱側要高於反曲側,研判其因,應和環抱側的河套腹地提供了廣大的空地供 居民活動休憩有關。住在環抱側的居民在收入、教育和職位等個人條件方面均很優越,對生 活的滿意度也相當高。調查結果顯示環抱側的受訪者中約有一半住在建物朝向相對於去水方 位屬於吉方位者,但多數人選擇建物朝向時,多無特別條件因素,顯示大多數人對中國理水 原則所重視之河流方位並無明顯的意識,但大環境之河流形式,卻能提供環抱側優質的外在 生活環境,不但吸引了個人條件高的居民入住其中,也使得居民表現高度的生活滿意度。
To study the influence of water environment of Feng-Shui on the living satisfaction of riverside residents, two residential areas along the Jing-Mei River of Taipei city are chosen in this study:one is located on the point bar side, the other is located on the cut bank side. Both areas have good view and plenty of sunshine. However, the residents on the point bar side shows a higher satisfaction on living than those on the cut bank side in terms of personal income, job position, health condition and the living environment as a whole. Such a difference in the living satisfaction is closely related to the floodplain on the point bar side. The floodplain provides the land needed for outdoor activities. So the residents of point bar side can enjoy a better waterfront style of living and a more spacious environment. In general, most of the residents living on the point bar side have something in common:high income, high education, and high job position. About half of the residents on the point bar side live in the condominiums which face the good direction as indicated by the Feng-Shui; but no dominant factors can be identified when choosing the facing of the house. Although most residents do not have a clear idea about the influence of the water environment of Feng-Shui, residents living in the point bar side which is classified as good area by the Feng-Shui tend to have high job position and income and a high satisfaction of living as well.