隨著醫療科技進步,生活品質改善,我國國民的平均歲數也逐年增加,因此消防分隊面對執行高齡者到院前緊急醫療救護行為時,比執行一般成年人之救護勤務更需要謹慎小心,所以在面對日趨嚴重的高齡化社會問題時,消防分隊如何能在有限的人力物力之下,有效地派遣緊急救護勤務為本研究之主要課題。 本研究以臺北市北投區各消防分隊到院前緊急救護為例,分析該北投區高齡者到院前緊急醫療救護案件,將所執行救護案件之發生時間、地點、求救原因輸入建檔,利用地理資訊系統之套疊分析、路網分析、等值線分析,並運用GIS之地址對位功能於救護案件地點之建置,建構資料庫系統並分析評估派遣緊急救護勤務之最佳效益。 本研究主要成果包含: 1. 擬定高齡者到醫院前緊急醫療救護勤務派遣資訊系統架構。 2. 建構北投區高齡者緊急救護案件資料庫系統。 3. 分析並顯示北投區高齡者緊急救護案件常發生之時間高峰期與空間分佈。 4. 評估北投區各消防分隊救護反應時間之最佳範圍及效能。
When it comes to the current and future problems of our graying and aging societies, it is a main subject of this research to illustrate how the fire stations can effectively use the limited manpower and materials to dispatch the emergency medical services. A case study has focused on Peitou District of Taipei. This research has some cases carried out to the aged people with pre-hospital emergency medical services dispatch system, inputting the database and use overlap analysis, network analysis, isopleth analysis of GIS, and use the GIS as a construction system in which the cases can be given emergency medical services. In order to better construct the database system and to evaluate the best way on emergency medial services dispatch, this research is intended as an investigation of the following aspects: 1. Constructing the information system of aged people pre-hospital emergency medical services dispatch. 2. Constructing database system of the aged people pre-hospital emergency medical services case of Peitou district. 3. Analyzing and demonstrating the peak period of time and spatial distribution regarding the aged people who will be given pre-hospital emergency medical services in the case of Peitou District of Taipei. 4. Evaluating the scope and potency of the various fire stations in the Peitou District of Taipei as well as the disaster relief reaction time.