摘要: | 檢視臺灣目前的土地使用變更制度,除因行政、立法系統未能與各層級計劃配 合外,《環境影響評估法》及《水土保持計劃法》完成立法,開發者須在繁複的申請開發 變更程式上兼顧「環境保育」問題,更加重了土地使用變更審查上的負擔。此外,現行土 地使用變更審查制度尚因牽涉相關法令繁複、土地使用各機關間相互權責未明確劃分、土 地變更使用後監督系統分歧及審查項目重疊更衍生了土地使用變更審查制度上更多問題。 有鑑於此,(本文主要目的在於檢視臺灣目前土地開發與土地使用變更審查制度的現 況,藉著行政面制度的分析,檢討目前土地開發審查制度涉及土地使用變更、環境影響評 估及水土保持計劃部分的審查過程,並針對此提出相關的課題與建議。)本文第一部分將 說明臺灣地區現行土地使用變更的相關規定,第二及第三部分接著討論環境影響評估及水 土保持計劃審查制度的相關規定與審議作業流程,最後的第四及第五部分除提出土地使用 變更與環境影響評估及水土保持計劃審查制度的課題外,並針對審查制度提出建議。
Because there is no integration among land use conversion, environmental impact assessment, water and soil protection and special purpose entrepreneur audit, three issues are induced, hence influence the administrative efficiency: (1) duplicate audits, (2) different requests of required forms and standards of audits, (3) different interpretation of laws. However, because the land use conversion involves various laws and regulations, and the responsibilities of related institutions are not clearly defined, how to classify and integrate the audit process and required forms among special purpose entrepreneur institutions, environmental protection administration, and water and soil protection agency, and how to simplify the process of land use conversion to abbreviate the process of audit and implementation become the main theme at present. Based on the above issues, this research examines the land use conversion Process and then defines the content of land use conversion, environmental impact assessment, and water and soil protection audit. This research then categories these contents into laws, documentation, audit institutions, and audit items and compares the difference and similarity. Relative issues regarding land use conversion and suggestions are also proposed in this research. |