為因應國內外經濟環境的變化,改善現有產業結構,現階段政府推動之重點包括 促進傳統工業自動化與推動高科技新興工業發展,以提升我國產業的技術水準,並合理調整 工業區開發的種類、數量、實質規劃與服務設施的需求,使工業園區更趨人性化、多功能化 及多樣化。 有鑑於此,本文主要目的在於從工業園區設置之相關規定與程序著手,探討工業園區變更為 特定專用區之可行性。本文第一部份首先說明研究動機及目的,第二部份整理並分析臺灣目 前相關法令及工業園區之發展趨勢及種類,第三部份討論工業區編定使用內容與性質,第四 部份分析工業園區之發展趨勢,第五部份探討工業園區編定為特定專用區之可行性,第六部 份分析特定專用區之規劃內容與變更條件,最後一部份為本文之結論與建議。
To cope with the rapid economic change and to enhance the industrial structure, the contemporary governmental policy is to improve the industrial automation and the hitech development to promote Taiwan's industrial standard. Furthermore, the government tries to reasonably adjust the categories, quantity, physical planning and service facilities of the development of industrial zones to make industrial parks more humane, multifunctional, and diversified. Therefore, this paper starts from examining regulations and procedures of the industrial park to explore the feasibility of transforming industrial parks to special zones. Section 1 expresses research motives and purposes. Section 2 reviews related literature to analyze current regulations and the development trend of industrial parks. Section 3 discusses the content and context of the industrial land use zoning. Section 4 depicts the development trend of industrial parks. The feasibility of transforming industrial parks to special zones is explored in Section 5. Section 6 looks into the content of special zoning planning and the conditions of transformation. Section 7 is conclusion and srggestions.