目的:本研究目的為探討彈力帶足部訓練對於芭蕾舞者Sauté跳躍的影響,並假設在介入彈力帶足部訓練後,能增進舞者Sauté跳躍的表現能力。方法:本研究對象為文化大學舞蹈學系學生20位(17女生、3男生),分為實驗組10位、控制組10位。利用Delsys無線肌電訊號擷取系統觀察肌肉活化程度的變化,以及 Motion Analysis動作分析系統擷取運動學資料與AMTI測力板來收集對地推蹬衝量變化。實驗組介入彈力帶足部訓練:運用彈力帶配合足部動作訓練加強小腿肌群肌力及提升踝關節穩定能力的訓練,為期八週,每週三次,每次90分鐘,控制組未介入任何訓練。統計方法使用混合設計重複量數二因子變異數分析法顯著水準皆訂為α=.05。結果:實驗組在單次與連續多次Sauté跳躍的推蹬衝量、腓腸肌激活程度進步情況皆顯著優於控制組 (p < .5)。結論與建議:八週“彈力帶足部訓練”課程對於芭蕾舞者Sauté跳躍的表現能有效改善軀幹前傾的情況,對地面的推蹬力與腓腸肌的肌肉工作均有顯著提升,建議彈力帶訓練可以作為專業舞蹈教學與訓練上的專項工具。
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to improve dancers’ performance in Sauté jump through “Thera-band ankle and foot exercises”. Our hypothesis was that with “Thera-band ankle and foot exercises”, dancers can enhance jumping performance and technique. METHODS: Twenty undergraduate dance major students (17 female and 3 male) were chosen to participate in this study, ten of them were in an experimental grope with training intervention, and the others were in a control group without training. Delsys Wireless EMG System to collect calf muscles activation, Motion Analysis System to collect kinematic data, and AMTI force plate to collect foot push impulse. The intervention of this “Thera-Band Ankle and Foot Exercises” used elastic exercise bands. Each practice was ninety minutes weekly for total of eight weeks. The data were entered in SPSS statistical software. Tests were performed before and after the training intervention. The significance level was set at α = .05. RESULTS: The results showed that eight weeks training with the “Thera-band ankle and foot exercises” for ballet Sauté jump significantly improved the performance. CONCLUSIONS: Through “Thera-band ankle and foot exercises”, the jump height of the ballet Sauté was significantly improved for the experimental group compared to the control group, and the push off impulse of the ballet Sauté jump was significantly improved for the experimental group compared to the control group, the muscle activation of the gastrocnemius during the ballet Sauté jump was significantly changed. The findings of this study provided information for educators and researchers as a reference.