以往有關社區媒介的論述,多半由功能論的角度切入,亦即將社區媒介是為建構 社區意識、促進社區認同的工具。然而社區認同雖是社區發展的重要基礎,但並非終極價值, 以社區認同為目標來定位社區媒介,則會以媒介做為工具使用,如此不僅窄化了社區媒介的 本質,也限制其多元性及公共意涵。 本文重新檢視了社區認同的意涵,超脫認同的單一意識觀點,發掘社區中多重勢力運作 機制;也從而找出社區功能論的闕漏,不同意以認同為社區互動與運作的終極目標和單一主 軸路線,媒介更不應只具有工具價值和單一功能,而是將其視為社區中多元場域各種機制運 作的一環。傳播樣態和媒介組織並不是附庸於任何特定目標之下的運作工具,而應有其自身 的價值及運作的方向。
This discourses of community media in the past, most of them regard community media as instrument of constructing the sense of community and community identity. Community identity is the very important foundation of community development, but it is not the final purpose and value of community. If we regard community media as instrument of community identity, it will narrow the essentiality of community media and also limit the possibility of diverse development. This research examine the concept of community identity again, try to beyond one dimensional perspective of community media, and discover the multiple power interacting mechanism in community. The community media shouldn't be only with single purpose of community, it should be the field where each kind of people and opinion can express freely and equally. With its own value and operational model, the community media should form the communication pattern by the people through the democratic process in the community.