1990 年代後期興起的在地「熊族」,過去曾在男同志社群內備受鄙夷、排擠。但近年來,「熊族」似乎已逐漸地去除污名,並使其所屬成員在整個男同志社群內較以往更為「可慾求的」。然而,此一較以往更為可慾求的過程,是否可等同於「主流化」?在此一過程中,何種關乎「熊」的主體性及美/性感論述被建構出來?這類論述如何影響「熊族」成員對於自我認同的意識與型塑?如何去解讀/構這類的論述?「熊族」成員又如何藉由日常的性/性別/身體實踐而進行關乎「熊」認同的展演?本文便是源自於對上述問題所持續進行的探索與反思。本文採取一種結合線上、線下研究方法的質化研究取徑,其中包括線上及線下參與觀察與線下深度訪談等。本文作者發現,在地「熊族」關乎「熊」定義論述充滿「怪胎陰柔恐懼」及「過度肥胖恐懼」,使得服膺這類論述的「熊族」成員們時時陷入一種「性/性別/身體焦慮」的狀態。此外,「熊族」已逐漸地發展出一種主要立基於「性」、「性別」及「身體」等基礎之上的所謂「性感階序」,並據此進行情慾互動及經營社交關係。
Since the late 1990s, the local bear community has come into existence. Due to obesity, its members were once despised and oppressed within the whole gay community. It has been noted that the bear community has recently destigmatized itself and has made its members more desirable for local gay men. Yet, the questions which might arise here are: (1) Does the process of transforming local bears from despised objects into desirable ones equate to that of mainstreaming? (2) During the process, what kinds of discourses concerning bear subjectivity and bear aesthetics/sensuality have been produced? (3) How do these discourses impact on identity consciousness and formation among local bears? (4) How can we interpret and then deconstruct these discourses? (5) How and why do local bears perform their identities through daily sexual/gender/bodily practices? This paper employs a qualitative approach by adopting a combination of online and offline participant observation and offline in-depth interview. It argues that within the local bear community the discourse concerning bear subjectivity has been inscribed by sissyphobia and obesophobia, which has brought its members into the state of sexual/gender/bodily anxiety. Moreover, the local bear community has constructed the socalled ‘sensual hierarchy’ based on sexuality, gender and the body, through which local bears socially and sexually interact with one another.