The True Love Alliance Event refers to local religious right groups’ protest against the distribution of so-called ‘gender-equality-education textbooks’ which are regarded by these groups as advocating gay rights and sex liberation; the event also refers to local gay, feminist and gender-equality-education groups’ resistance against the above religious right activism. This resistance has been deemed by local gay activists as the most crucial and heroic activism in the history of Taiwan gay rights movement. Yet, it needs to be noted that under the influence of mainstream feminism, the resistance is inscribed by a reticent politics against sex liberation. This paper aims to reveal the mainstreaming tendency behind the reticent politics by dint of analyzing the complicated interdependence between gay activism and mainstream / gender-equality-education feminism. It argues that since anti-sex liberation would contribute to re-affirmation of sexual hierarchy and gay rights can’t be fully achieved without destroying this sexual hierarchy, local gay activism should develop a radical agendum that includes, rather than excludes, the (re)affirmation of sex liberation.