中共的社會體制一向被視為,師承自前蘇聯的極權共產主義制度,然而,自從1978年十一屆三中全會起,中共決定實施改革開放政策後,全中國大陸的各種產業均開始配合政策,從事改革。 中共傳播事業發展之初,亦被視為打擊敵人的重要輿論工具,具有高度的「工具性」;一直到中共實施改革開放政策以後,傳播事業被列入「第三產業」,身為傳播事業一環的電 視事業,為了與改革開放政策相配套,電視事業必須推向市場、對外開放,並進行一連串的改革。而此一連串的改革,也使中共的電視政策、法規,乃至體制產生改變。 本文將探討改革開放政策下,中共電視體制的變化,並就電視的「政策」和「法規」兩個層面,分別加以分析。
The social system in mainland China has the origin of former Soviet Union. The Soviet Communism has long effect on mainland China. Since Dec. 1978, Chinese Communist decided to implement the Reform and Open-up Policy, all the business in China start to follow the policy. Before the implementation of the policy, mainland China's television was regard as an important tool to against the enemy. Because the mainland China's television business is a part of the total Reform and Open-up Policy, television has been listed in the teritiary industry. Television business has to open to the outside world, maket and begin to reform in the system. This research discuss the changes of television system in mainland China, and television policy and regulation under mainland China's Reform and Open-up Policy.