為在不擾動道路鋪面使用條件下,進行鋪面強度評估,非破壞性檢測方法因應而 生。本上主旨在發展一套中、英文兼備之電腦回算程式,可將國內現有之鋪面撓度儀所測得 之撓度值推算出鋪面各層彈性模數。 程式 ELSBACK 不僅可選擇性地採用靜態或動態模擬法 回算鋪面強度,亦將本土化之一套溫度校估式納入程式中,使回算結果更精確。文中說明本 程式針對 (1) 輸入之起始各層彈性模數,(2) 各層之厚度,及 (3) 岩層深度等三項參數作 敏感度分析,結果顯示以各層厚度之變化對結果之影響為最大。 本研究亦將 ELSBACK 與其 他回算程式及實驗所得值做比較,發現本程式之精確度較多數程式為佳。
This paper describes the development of modulus backcalculation progra m, ELSBACK, to determine the structural properties of existing pavement from non-destructive test data. Bath static and dynamic load-ing models are considered in the ELSBACK program. In addition, this program is capable of dealing with the temperature influences on mea-sured deflections. Verification of the ELSBACK program is carried out by comparing the backcalculated moduli from ELSBACK program perform well in com-parison to the other available programs.