本研究以品牌商標為樣本,探討在網路環境下,背景與色彩對於品牌商標視覺識別效率的影響。本研究分三階段,第一階段蒐集坊間各大品牌,並透過問卷辨認的方式篩選出常見之品牌商標作為受測樣本,第二階段將從認知的層次理解商標是否有助於提升視覺識別品牌的效率,並確立實驗的程序,第三階段,將根據第二階段的流程,增加背景及色彩等因子的變化,以了解背景與色彩是否會影響品牌商標識別的效率。 研究結果發現商標確實能提升品牌名稱的反應時間,代表商標能幫助名牌名稱的識別效率,但在背景或色彩的變化上,受試者反應時間的呈現均無產生明顯差異,因此,可推論呈現背景或色彩因素並不是影響商標識別效果的最主要因素。
The present study aims to know whether the Internet WebPages and color could affect the recognition of brand logos. We used the priming technique, which is popular in cognitive psychology studies, as the evaluation method for logo recognition. By means of the measurement of reaction times to brand name judgments, we can evaluate the impact of brand logo on brand recognition through the participants’ reaction times. The results show that a genuine brand logo presentation can accelerate the reaction times to brand name recognition. The present study also finds that with an Internet WebPage background or altered logo colors doesn’t present significant effects on the reaction times. Therefore, our findings suggest that the presentation environment and color are not the main factors impacting the effect of the logo presentation.