網路使得人際溝通更加迅速與便捷,相對地也讓謠言的擴散威力更為驚人。模因(meme) 為探討謠言傳播的一項重要理論,透過訊息複製、變異及選擇的過程使謠言不脛而走。本研究將 模因應用至網路平台,以眾所矚目的社會事件洪仲丘案為例,採用實證問卷調查方法,檢視新聞 事件發展時網民對相關訊息接收、複製調整、再傳遞的傳播模式,並聚焦於訊息篩選機制與複製 擴散的傳播特性。研究結果發現,網民雖表示會評估訊息可信度,但面對謠言終究未能有效區辨, 而網路回應的易完成性強化各種再傳遞行為的效果,使得謠言迅速擴散造成廣泛流傳的現象。
The network accelerates interpersonal communications, but it also widens rumor circulation with high efficiency. Like genes, rumors are, based on the theory of meme, spread from person to person by imitation, variation, competition, selection, and retention. Taking the nationwide news of Hung Chung-chiu case, this study is to examine the circulation of rumors online and tends to discover the communication pattern in terms of receiving, revising, and resending Hong-related information by applying and extending the theory of meme to the internet. Findings from the empirical survey indicate that respondents admit it is hard to effectively distinguish between rumors and news even after they evaluated the credibility of received information. Also, the network enhances online behavior in coping, varying, selecting, disseminating information and greatly facilitating the spread of the rumors, given its characteristic of respond-easy with completing friendly.