Internet 不僅是最年輕的新媒體, 同時也是發展最速迅和最缺乏瞭解的媒體。 有鑑於此,本研究針對 1998 年三合一大選進行國內首見的個案研究,以探討網路媒體在臺 灣選舉活動的應用情形。本研究首先探討網路媒體之優勢,並敘述自 1994 年網路媒體首度 參與選戰以來的發展與流變,再對 1998 年三合一大選中候選人的網路應用做進一步分析。 研究結果指出:(一)選區愈大的候選人愈有從事網路文宣的傾向,(二)候選人在網路應 用上出現城鄉差距,(三)大黨候選人比小黨候選人偏好使用競選網站,以及(四)勝選者 也較落選者有較高的上網比率。此發現與吾人對 Internet 的傳統期望:成本低廉,無媒介 控制,因此適於資源匱乏的小黨或獨立候選人,大相逕庭。此外,除了成立競選網站,本研 究也指出進行網路廣告、展開網路動員、和嘗試線上募款是 Internet 在未來選戰中可資發 展的三個新方向。
The Internet is not only the youngest new medium, but also the fastest - developing medium which is in need of our understanding. In view of this, the paper is the first-ever research to find out the role the Internet plays in Taiwan's election campaigns by conducting a case study of the 1998 general election. Beginning with describing the advantages of network media and the developments of Internet campaigning in Taiwan since 1994, the researcher then focuses on the 1998 general election to further explore the use of Internet campaigning. The findings show: (1) the larger the district is, the more candidates would like to campaign via the Internet; (2) There is a large gap of Internet usage in campaigning between urban candidates and rural candidates; (3) Candidates from major party prefer to employ Internet campaigning more than minor party candidates and independent candidates; and (4) Candidates who won the election prefer Internet campaigning more than those who lost. The findings dispute the conventional conception of Internet campaigning -- well-suited to poor candidates because of its cost-efficiency and no media control. In addition, besides building campaign web sites, the paper also reviews online advertising, online mobilization, and online fund-raising as three doable ways for future Internet campaigning.