競選網站的行銷任務至為重要,因為在行銷候選人之前,必須先行銷自己。網站若乏人造訪,內容再好也是惘然。本文以Hanson 與Kalyanam揭櫫的網站行銷策略分析2005年縣市長選舉成立的34個競選網站,研究發現,縣市長候選人成立網站助選的比率已經提高,而且日漸普及;不過,多數競選網站的行銷策略都未能符合要求,例如部分網站未能用心設計一個好記網址與響亮站名,難以讓人印象深刻;此外,竟有二成競選網站在台灣三大搜尋引擎中查找不到,讓人不得其門而入;絕大多數競選網站未曾舉辦推廣活動或刊登網路廣告做宣傳,有欠積極。
Via the perspective of Internet marketing addressed by Hanson and Kalyanam, this paper investigates online campaigning in the 2005 Taiwan magistrate election. A systematic content analysis is designed to examine 34 candidate web sites. The findings demonstrate most candidate websites are not suited to the ideal of Internet marketing regarding the four crucial aspects: domain name, portal presence, publicity/promotion/word of mouth, and buying traffic. In addition, most candidates adopt the ”short term” strategy to maintain their web sites which is seen as lacking foresight.
In sum, in spite of fast-developing and rapid-popularizing in online campaign of
Taiwan's election, the format and content of most candidate websites still have a long road to go.