第四代行動通訊技術(4G)的出現,除了使用無線網路的速度變得更快,網路的頻寬也更廣大,過去在第三代行動通訊技術(3G)的時代所擁有的一些技術障礙,在 4G系統上都不再是問題,而這也帶來了一個攸關產業發展的問題,當人們都可以自由地使用智慧型裝置收看自己需要或是想要看的節目,無論何時何地,那麼電視媒體平台或許就會面臨嚴峻的考驗。 本研究以 4G的問世作為一個因素,透過文獻資料分析法來蒐集相關資料並且分析,同時透過深度訪談法來訪問四位相關高階管理之業者,來探討這樣的新科技發展是否衝擊現有的有線電視產業以及 MOD的市場,使得電視媒體產業必須轉型與之對抗或是接受被淘汰之命運。 本研究發現,4G的上市,並沒有帶來業者預期的理想訂戶數量,因業者的政策主要是針對年輕族群,對於整體市場來說相對小眾,而 4G的出現帶來人們新的收看節目的選擇,對於有線電視以及 MOD的影響來說,並不是取代,而是一種共存的概念,同時業者們也紛紛在思考可能的轉型方式,以求能因應時代的變遷。
The fourth -generation mobile communications technology (4G) opens more convenient services. The use of wireless networks become faster, and network bandwidth is also wider. In the past, the third generation mobile communication technology (3G) technical have some of obstacles. There isn’t a problem on 4G systems. Besides it also brings an industrial development issues at stake. When people can easily and freely use smart devices, they need or want to watch the programs wherever and whenever. Then perhaps traditional audio-visual media platforms will face a severe test. The 4G become a factor in this study. The study used documentary analysis method to collect relevant information and analysis. At the same time, I used in-depth interview to access the four top management of the relevant industry in order to explore whether the development of such new technologies impact the existing cable MOD network television industry and market. I try to find out the answer that the television media industry must be restructured to confront or accept the fate of being eliminated. The study found the listing of 4G did not bring the expected ideal number of subscribers, because of the industry's policy is mainly aimed at younger population. It is relatively small minority for the overall market. The 4G truly bring people a new choice to watch the program. For the impact of cable television and the MOD, It does not replace, but rather a concept of coexistence. At the same time, the industry have also thinking about possible ways of restructuring, in order to be able to respond to changing times.