球員與裁判之間對於規則的認知及判斷、熟悉判罰制度對於掌控比賽佔非常重要的影響。目的:本研究旨在探討大專籃球聯賽公開男子組第二級裁判與球員對規則的認知。方法:引用黃裕程(2014)所編製之「103年國家C級籃球裁判所使用之筆試題目」 問卷。以大專校院105年度籃球聯賽公開組第二級男子組球員、裁判為對象,隨機抽取各區(共分北、中、南三區)共10支隊。統計方法運用次數分配表、敘述性統計、同質性分析、單因子變異數分析 (one-way ANOVA)、獨立樣本T檢定 (T-test) 統計資料整合。結果:一、北區、中區、南區,三個區的球員對規則認知達顯著差異(F=6.36,P=0.002 P<0.05)。二、北區、中區、南區,三個區的球員是需要繼續加強對籃球規則認知(F=0.47,P=0.628>0.05)。三、大專裁判不同等級跟規則認知是有差異的(F=7.858,P=0.001 P <0.05)。四、大專裁判與球員對規則認知達顯著差異(F=2.633,P=.000 P <0.05)。結論:各區的球員對於判罰規則認知存有顯著差異,在公開二級裡有部分球員為體育績優保送生或體育相關科系學生,相對於公開一級來說公開二級球員更加複雜化,競爭亦格外激烈。在競賽過程中也顯示裁判者在不同等級,年齡以及吹判經驗上對裁判法和規則認知是否精熟是影響分數差異與勝負關鍵。大專裁判與球員對於規則的認知差距,在球場上裁判與球員對於規則分數認知若無法一致,則裁判在球場上既無法協助吹判甚至產生衝突。
The cognition and judgment of the rules and the familiarity with the penalty system for players and the referees played a vital role in controlling the game. Purpose: This study was to investigate the cognition of rules for the referees and players of men’s second-level in the University Basketball Association. Method: The subjects were randomly recruited from 2016-2017 men’s second-level in the University Basketball Association in Northern, Central and Southern of Taiwan. The statistical method was adopted by the frequency distribution table, descriptive statistics, homogeneity analysis, one-way ANOVA, and T-test etc.. Result: 1. The recognition of rules for the players among three zones (Northern, Central, and Southern) showed the significant differences (F=6.36,P=0.002 P<0.05). 2. The players from Northern, Central and Southern zones should continue to deepen the awareness of basketball rules (F=0.47,P=0.628>0.05). 3. The different levels in collegiate games between the referees and the players appeared the significance(F=7.858,P=0.001 P <0.05). 4. It showed that the cognition of rules between college referees and players appeared significant differences (F=2.633,P=.000 P <0.05). Conclusion: The players of each zone exited significant differences for the recognition of the penalty rules. Compared with first-level of University Basketball Association, the background of second-level student-athletes who always have possessed the elite sports achievement or majored in department related to the physical education are more active and competitive. It was investigated that the referee in different levels, ages, and experiences of blowing which influenced the degree of master to rules of referee and cognition in the process of the competition were vital keys of the scores and the outcomes. The cognitive differences between the referees and the player for the rules may result in the conflict in the court.