滲氮用鋼SACM645屬於中碳鋁鉻鉬合金鋼,在滲氮處理後,有很好的硬度、磨耗特性、疲勞強度、以及熱與化學特性,適合製作高耐磨性、高疲勞強度、以及精度要求高之零件。本文執行狹槽銑削實驗,應用田口方法以鍍鈦碳化鎢鋸型切削刀片,以雙製程工法完成槽寬0.82mm、深度7mm之深槽加工,深寬比達8.54;以槽體之表面粗糙度為分析品質特性,探討粗銑刀具進給速度、精銑切削深度、精銑刀具進給速度、精銑切削速度等四項銑削參數對分析特性之影響,以獲得最適之切削參數組合;並規劃執行驗證實驗,討論單製程與雙製程槽銑製程的差異性。此外,為了提升槽體精度,本文進行平面度分析,依所提出的雙製程參數規劃,平面度誤差在4×100 mm2的量測面積上,可以控制在0.025mm之內。
Nitriding steel SACM645 is a mild carbon alloy steel, which has a high hardness, abrasive resistance, fatigue strength, and well heat and corrosion resistance. After nitride treatments, it is very suitable for the parts that high-wear and high-fatigue required. This study performs narrow slot milling experiments by a titanium coating slitting saw blade to make a slot of 0.82mm width and 7mm depth. The depth-width ratio is up to 8.54. The quality characteristic analyzed in this study was the surface roughness of the slot body. To obtain the optimal parameter level set, four milling parameters were analyzed by Taguchi’s methods. They are tool feed rate in rough-milling, reserved depth of finish-milling, tool feed rate in finish-milling, and the spindle speed in finish-milling. The confirmation experiments were also implemented to discuss the difference between the single-process and double-process. In addition, to improve the precision of the slot machined, this study performs the flatness analyses. The flatness can be controlled within 0.025mm in the measuring area of 4×100mm2 by the method proposed in this study.