科技的進步使許多現代人的生活型態因而轉變為坐式生活型態。許多沒有規律運動習慣者大多是因為沒有足夠的時間運動,而高強度間歇訓練是一項能以短時間獲得顯著成效的運動。近年壺鈴運動盛行,許多研究發現壺鈴訓練對生理與運動表現皆呈現正面效益。目的:探討中年女性坐姿工作者介入 8 週高強度間歇壺鈴訓練,對身體組成、肌力表現及肌肉損傷之影響。方法:招募 32 名中年女性坐姿工作者為研究對象,將其隨機分為高強度間歇壺鈴訓練組 (n=16) 及控制組 (n=16),進行為期 8 週,每週 3 次的高強度間歇壺鈴訓練。結果:1. 八週訓練對骨骼肌重、體脂肪重、體脂肪率及內臟脂肪皆有顯著改善之情形。2. 八週訓練後,在角速度 180o.s-1 時,訓練組右腿膝伸肌及軀幹伸肌肌力顯著提升;在角速度 60o.s-1 時,訓練組軀幹伸肌及右腿膝屈肌肌力顯著提升。3. 訓練組血液肌酸激酶活性於中測 (訓練第 4 週) 無顯著增加,但 8 週訓練後血液肌酸激酶活性則顯著高於前測。結論:八週高強度間歇壺鈴訓練能使骨骼肌重、體脂肪重及體脂率顯著改善,亦能使軀幹伸肌、右腿膝伸肌及屈肌肌力顯著提升,且不會造成肌肉損傷的情形。
Because of the progress of science and technology, many modern people’s lifestyle change to sedentary lifestyle. The reasons that do not exercise regular is because of there is not enough time to exercise. High-intensity interval training can achieve significant benefits in short-term. Kettlebell training prevalent in recent years. In the past, kettlebell training to physiology and athletic performance showed positive benefits. Purpose: To investigate the effects of 8 weeks of high intensity interval kettlebell training on body composition, muscular strength and muscle damage in middle-aged static working women. Method: Thirty-two middle-aged static working women were randomly assigned to high-intensity interval kettlebell group (KG, n=16) and control group (CG, n=16), the subject of KG had received intervention high-intensity interval kettlebell training for 8 weeks, 3 times a week. Result: 1. Muscle mass, fat mass, body fat percentage and visceral fat were significantly improved in training group. 2. There were significant increased the muscle strength of right leg and back extension at 180o.s-1; There were significant increased the muscle strength of back extension and right leg flexion at 180o. 3. There was significant difference in muscle damage after 8 weeks of training. Conclution: Eight weeks of high intensity interval kettlebell training can improve muscle mass, fat mass, body fat percentage and muscular strength, and it won’t caused muscle damage.