隨著觀光與餐飲產業之活絡,台灣餐飲教育蓬勃發展。惟近年受少子化、生源少之衝擊,高中職餐飲科無不傾力防止學生流失、留住學生。而首度面對2000年出生之2K學生,其獨特屬性與續讀意願即為迫切議題。本研究遂以網路問卷立意抽樣調查全國餐飲科學生總數超過1000人之11所學校之2K學生,計回收535份,有效問卷492份,以SPSS 21.0進行資料分析。研究結果發現,2K學生之個人屬性與就讀動機、學習滿意度對續讀意願有顯著之個別差異存在,且就讀動機、學習滿意度與續讀與推薦有正相關,但與轉科校有負相關,可見就讀動機與學習滿意度對續讀意願,有顯著預測作用,總結而言,學習滿意度、就讀動機及個人屬性(如家長職業、教育程度、就讀學校等) 顯著影響2K學生之續讀意願。本研究結果可為高中端學校研擬改善學習滿意度與防止學生流失策略之參考,並提供相單位政策研擬之參酌,並為後續研究之基礎。
With the booming of tourism and hospitality industry, Taiwanese Food & Beverage (F&B) education has become flourishing in the recent time. However, confronting the low fertility and limited student population, the catering high schools are striving hard to recruit students as well as prevent the dropouts of them. Particularly, it is challenging to deal with the new 2K generation, who were born in the year of new millinium 2000 and after. In 2015, these 2Ks have become the first graders of the high schools. Their ‘remain or leave’ intention would impact the rigid running of F&B education. This study thus investegated 2Ks to explore their intention toward F&B study. Samples were purposively selected from 11 senior high schools with 1,000 or more F&B majors in Taiwan. 535 questionnaires were collected on line and 492 of them were valid for analysis using SPSS 21.0 package. The results indicate that the attributes of 2Ks are significantly associated with the three variables, enrollment motivation, learning satisfaction and study intention. Notably, enrollment motivation and learning satisfaction are positively correlated with remain intention but negatively correlated with leave intention. It can be concluded that the continuing intention of 2Ks are significantly infuenced by learning satisfaction, enrollment motivation, and personal characterisrics, such as parents occupations, education levels, and the schools. The result of this study can be helpful to strategy making for improving learning satisfaction and preventing the dropouts of 2Ks.