近年來運動風氣盛行,民眾除了藉由運動達到健康目的之外,許多人更重視自身體態,藉由運動達到塑身減重等目的,連帶的運動產業亦隨之興起。臺北市在2003年起陸續於各行政區建立一座運動中心,民間的私人健身機構亦在臺北市各處林立,民眾從事運動的選擇變多,更加提升運動參與之意願。本研究主要係了解民眾運動參與動機,並探討不同經營模式是否能增加民眾選擇前往運動之動機。以臺北市內湖運動中心、Curves女性健身中心及1st體育客之消費民眾為調查對象發放問卷,共計回收178份有效樣本,將資料透過描述性統計、T-Test、one-way ANOVA等統計方法進行資料分析。結論:臺北市市民從事運動者以26-35歲人口最多,其次是25歲以下,及66歲以上之民眾。而學生主要是以訓練為主,待業中之市民則是以打發時間為主,上班族則是以減重塑身最多,而健康狀況、婚姻狀況、家人支持度的不同並不會影響臺北市民之運動參與動機。在公辦民營與民營機構中,臺北市市民前往公立運動中心之參與動機對於環境因素及同儕因素高於民營機構。
Fitness has become popularity in recent years. People developed their goals by exercise, such as getting healthier and losing weight. This trend also makes fitness industry prosperous, many fitness club are opened in Taipei City. Especially the Taipei City Government has constructed a sports center in each administrative area since 2003. It made a significant increase the sports participation motives. This study intends to understand the sports participation and behavior of Taipei City citizens and different business model of sports center. This study adopted query survey with the customers of Taipei City NeiHu Sports Center, Curves women fitness center and First fitness club. There were a total of 178 effective samples collected. Then, using analyses methodologies like descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, etc. and the result are the 26-35 years old Taipei citizens is the main population of sports, then followed by under 25 years old and over 66 years old citizens. The purpose of student is training, unemployed people are killing time and office worker is losing weight. Health condition, marriage and family support don’t affect the participation motive. Furthermore, the participation motive of operate transfer sports center has higher environmental and peers factors than privately run enterprises.