21世紀進入科技資訊發達時代,無線網路發達促進行動裝置的普及,購物支付行為也來到新的境界,在行動支付服務陸續推出,百家爭鳴的狀況下,本文以科技接受模式作為本研究架構,試圖了解行動支付服務業者推出的促銷誘因是否會對使用者造成影響,最後更期望本研究的結論與建議,能夠對台灣行動支付業者的實務發展有所貢獻。本研究採用問卷調查法,發放對象為使用過行動支付的台灣民眾,共蒐集有效問卷347份,運用SPSS 22統計軟體進行問卷資料分析與假設檢定。研究結果顯示,「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」與「促銷誘因」會正向影響QR Code行動支付的「採用意圖」,「促銷誘因」在「知覺有用性」與「採用意圖」間具有中介效果,「促銷誘因」在「知覺易用性」與「採用意圖」間具有中介效果。
The 21st century into the era of advanced technology and information developed. From the invention of wireless network, payment behaviors reach a new ambit. As mobile payment service launches one after another, market becomes intense and highly competition. Thus, this study used technology acceptance model as research framework to understand whether Promotion incentives influenced on intension to use. Furthermore, expecting the conclusion and suggestion from this study can make efforts on development of mobile payment in Taiwan.
The method used quantitative survey method with convenient sampling approach. Participants were Taiwanese who have experienced using mobile payment. A total of 347 samples were valid. Using SPSS 22 conduct data analysis and hypothesis testing. Research findings showed that perceived ease of use is positively influence perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and Promotion incentives was positively influence the “intention to use” of QR code mobile payment. Promotion incentives is a mediator variable between Perceived usefulness and intention to use. Promotion incentives is a mediator variable between perceived ease of use and intention to use.