本研究旨在瞭解個別協議(I-deals)與職涯適應力(career adapt-ability)之間的關係。經由文獻之引用及邏輯之推理,採用量化研究的方法,透過問卷調查法填答的方式,進行實證研究調查。
This study was to understand the relationship between idiosyncratic deals and ca-reer adaptability. By literature references and logical reasoning, it adopted quantitative analyses. The quantitative analysis was based on questionnaires to conduct an empirical study and understand the relationship among them.
This study adopted sampling method questionnaires. Questionnaires were distrib-uted through the travel agents in Taiwan including the unit supervisor and the hired em-ployee who are willing to cooperate and conduct questionnaire survey. 242 question-naires were distributed to Chinese tour guides and 214 questionnaires were collected. After deleting invalid questionnaires, there were 210 valid questionnaires and the re-sponse recovery rate was 87%.
The results showed that idiosyncratic deals are positively correlated with the career adaptability. Travel agency with idiosyncratic deals has a high degree of career adapta-bility.
In conclusion, this study offers relevant industry practitioners the implications of practical aspects of human resource management and recommendations for future re-search.