車載隨意網路(vehicular ad-Hoc network, VANET),近來受到大家的重視,為實作智慧型運輸系統重要技術之一。運用車輛與道路設施作為節點之間的溝通來提供可用的訊息給予用路人。而訊息無非是能夠提供高價值與高可信度的資料,讓使用者能夠透過訊息就能掌握目前最新的狀況,因此倘若訊息遭受到偽造、竄改、延誤時,即會影響用路人的駕駛行為,更會進一步的造成交通之混亂。
In recent years, Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) has been attracted more atten-tion, and It is also one of the important technologies of Intelligent Transportation system (ITS). The messages provided by vehicles and road facilities could be useful information to passengers. To provide passengers latest status of traffic, the messages which vehicles and road facilities provide should be high value and credibility. When these messages are delayed or tampered, the driving behavior of passenger will change which can cause traf-fic chaos.
In this paper, the proposed system uses two stage model to ensure the feasibility and integrity of VANET messages. In first stage, concept of multiple layer is used for trans-mission of traffic light information. In second stage, a set of event-based reputation system is used to determine the credibility of the accident. Alarm messages will be sent when the score exceed a pre-defined threshold. To evaluate the performance of proposed system an experiment is conducted to simulate accident on the highway. The result shows that the proposed system could detect accident correctly on highway.