傳統榨油須經高溫壓榨,易產生致癌的多環芳香族碳氫化合物(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; PAHs),而CO2超臨界萃取(Supercritical Extraction of Carbon Dioxide)能萃取出更高的植物固醇(Phytosterols)、酚類化合物(Phenolics)等抗氧化物質,且無須經過高溫處理。故本論文主要探討不同加工方式(超臨界萃取、溶劑萃取與傳統壓榨)對油茶油品質與多環芳香族碳氫化合物含量之影響。
實驗以大菓(Camellia oleifera Abel)、小菓(Camellia (Hay.) Cohen-Stuart)兩種油茶籽為原料,分別利用CO2超臨界萃取、正己烷萃取、傳統壓榨等三種方式加工,所得油脂分別進行油脂品質(過氧化價與酸價)、抗氧化性(DPPH自由基清除能力與還原力)與多環芳香族碳氫化合物含量測定。
研究結果顯示,各分析項目在兩品種油茶油間皆無差異。不同加工方式之比較則發現,有機溶劑萃取的萃取率最高。大菓油茶籽以CO2超臨界萃取與傳統高溫壓榨(220℃)所得之油脂抗氧化性皆顯著高於低溫壓榨 (130℃)與正己烷萃取者。所有加工方式或品種,都不影響油茶油中的PAHs的含量,且皆能發現苯駢芘(Benzo[a]Pyrene)存在。
Traditional camellia oil used high temperature pressing to obtain the oil, but high temperature treatment may form the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are well known carcinogen. Oil extracted by supercritical extraction of carbon dioxide can extract higher antioxidant such as phytosterols and phenolics, and no need to go through high temperature treatment.This study aims to investigate the effect of different extraction or pressing methods to the quality and the content of PAHs of camellia oil.
In this study, two kinds of oil seed (Camellia oleifera Abel and Camellia (Hay.) Cohen-Stuart) were used to study the effects of oil quality (peroxide value and acid value), antioxidant properties (scavenging effect of DPPH free radical and reducing power) and the content of PAHs of the camellia oil by supercritical extraction of carbon dioxide, n-hexane extraction and traditional pressing method.
The results showed that there are no different with all the tests in this study between the oils from two kinds of camellia seeds.Solvent extraction had the highest extraction ratio.The oils from Camellia oleifera Abel seed and processing by supercritical extraction and high temperature pressing (220℃) had the highest antioxidant capacity and were significantly higher than the oils from solvent extraction and low temperature pressing (130℃). No matter the processing method or variety of camellia seed were no effect the content of PAHs in the oil and all the oil can found Benzo [a] Pyrene.