摘要: | 本研究旨在探討散打選手身體組成分析和運動表現之差異,研究目的包括:一、減重前後身體的體脂肪百分比、脂肪重、肌肉重及身體總水量之差異,二、減重前後運動表現之差異。本研究以中國文化大學14位散打選手受試者對象,平均年齡為21.5±1.60歲,平均身高為167.2±5.91公分,平均體重69.5±10.1公斤,平均散打運動年資4.42±0.75。受試者於實驗前接受前測,身體組成項目包括體重、體脂肪率、脂肪重、肌肉重、身體總水量,運動表現變項以受測者面對人型靶進行2分鐘模擬對打,計算揮拳、踢擊及摔法之擊打次數。此後,進行為期10週之減重訓練計劃。計劃結束後,再接受後測(項目同前所述)。身體組成變項以Inbody(720)測量。資料蒐集後以SPSS 20.0進行統計分析。其中,以平均數及標準差描述受試者個人背景資料(身高、體重、運動年資)及前後測研究數據之描述性分析,再以相依樣本t檢定分析前後測差異。研究結果顯示,經由10週減重訓練,體重14位選手都下降至6%,體脂肪率下降至2.2%,脂肪重下降至2.1%,肌肉重下降至2%,身體總水量上升至1%,運動表現結果顯示,減重前後比較,揮拳次數上升了6%,踢擊次數上升了3.4%,而摔法的部分上升了1.7%,結論:經由10週減重訓練介入後,顯著提升大專散打選手減重後的運動表現。
The purpose of this study is to explore the difference in body composition analysis and exercise performance of Sanda players. The purpose of the study is as follows: (1) The percentage of body fat percentage, fat weight, muscle weight and body weight before and after weight loss, The difference. The average age was 21.5 ± 1.60 years old, with an average height of 167.2 ± 5.91 cm, average weight of 69.5 ± 10.1 kg and an average Sanda exercise age of 4.42 ± 0.75. The average age of the subjects was 21.5 ± 1.60 years. Subjects received the test before the test, the body composition of the project, including body weight, body fat rate, fat weight, muscle weight, total body water, movement performance variables to the subject of human targets for 2 minutes analog play, Calculate the number of hits, kicks and wrestling. Thereafter, a 10-week weight loss training program was conducted. After the end of the plan, and then accept the post-test (the project with the previous). Body composition variants are measured in Inbody (720). Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS 20.0. The descriptive analysis of the personal background data (height, weight, exercise age) and the data of the previous and posterior subjects were described by mean and standard deviation, and then the difference was measured before and after the analysis. The results showed that after 10 weeks of weight loss training, weight 14 players were down to 6%, body fat rate dropped to 2.2%, fat weight decreased to 2.1%, muscle weight decreased to 2%, the total body water increased to 1% , The results showed that the number of fists increased by 6%, the number of kicks increased by 3.4%, and the wrestling part increased by 1.7%. Conclusion: After 10 weeks of weight loss training intervention, the performance of Sanda athletes after weight loss was significantly improved. |