This thesis explores SMEs’ bricolage process from brick-and-mortar to brick-and-click. The researcher selects a physical channel retailer founded in southern Taiwan and uses this case analysis to explain its critical activities and events and exam-ine how it recombines the resources at hand to expand virtual channels in re-source-constrained environments.
The finding has revealed SMEs proceeding with recombination the resources at hand can achieve the goal of developing virtual channels and bring positive aid to itself. SMEs will confront challenges when establishing virtual channels, but through using bricolage resources at hand will reduce these impacts. Most “resources at hand” in bri-colage processes are contributed by the founders’ abilities and experiences. In the inten-sity of relationships of offline to online is not done in sequence. Channel conflict and cannibalization are not apparent in the process of click and mortar. Developing and in-tegrating physical and virtual channels promotes SMEs higher sale performance and good corporate image. SMEs facing the rapid environmental changes using bricolage resource at hand. The way SMEs applying bricolage resources at hand is closely linked with changing of enterprise.