Nowadays many enterprises have started to adopt balanced scorecards to enhance their competitive power but most of the domestic existing bibliographies and researches only focus on exploring advantages of balanced scorecards and gains for enterprises. Nothing much says about possible difficulties and discussion of problems. Purposes of this research are to analyze bottleneck and problems happened at the beginning of carrying out balanced scorecards in the studied bank and to pose suggestions that may improve or increase operational performance. All these can be references for enterprises wanting to implement the mode of management based on balanced scorecards. The main goal of this research lies in the discussion of company staff, regarding the attitude to the balanced scorecard, the subjective norms and the willingness to accept. Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action is the foundation, coordinates the LISREL pattern, forecast and explain the staff’s willingness to accept balanced scorecard: Simultaneously understood the theory of reasoned action and the SEM pattern apply to the balanced scorecard.