艾瑞克.易威生(Eric Ewazen,1954 - )是美國二十世紀相當有名的現代作曲家, 他許多給銅管樂器的作品,都已經成為該樂器的經典曲目。尤其在低音長號上,易威生寫了許多作品,像是為低音長號的協奏曲、奇想曲和小協奏曲。以及這首為低音長號的狂想曲。筆者將從這首曲子,來探討易威生的作品特色,和演奏此曲的相關詮釋。
Eric Ewazen(1954 -)is a distinguished American composer in contemporary music. His compositions for brass instuments have became the standard repertoire. For bass trombone, Ewazen wrote a couple of solo pieces, such as the Concerto, the Capriccio, the Concertino, and the Rhapsody for Bass Trombone and Orchestra. The author is going to analyze this rhapsody and discuss the interpretation.
This article is divided into six chapters to analyze Eric Ewazen’s Rhapsody for Bass Trombome. First of all, the author will state the purpose, intension, range and method of this thesis. Secondly, the writer will introduces the history of trombone, the devolopement of bass trombone and its character in orchestra. In chapter 3, the author will illustrate Eric Ewazen’s biography, musical style, and his composition for bass trombone. For chapter 4 and 5, the writer will analyze the Rhapsody for Bass Trombone and discuss the interpretation of the music, resolution of the technical challenge. In the end, the essay is concluded with the summary of this thesis.