摘要: | 服務實景是為提供服務之實體環境包含人及實體環境,其要素因所提供服務的需求而有所差異;婚宴過程包含用餐與活動的進行,提供的服務的範圍較餐廳廣,故在場地環境設計上應有特別之考量,因此本研究目的為建立婚宴服務實景量表,以了解婚宴場地之實體環境因素與要素,並應用Kano二維品質模式探討婚宴服務品質之非線性關係。
Servicescape is a concept of the overall environment for the provision of services, including humans and physical environment. Elements within the servicescape are differ in demand for the provision of services. Wedding banquet is a special event, combining meals and activities, therefore, the scope of services provided is wide, in order to do so, the design of wedding venues must have its features. The purpose of this study is to establish a wedding servicescape scale, understand the servicescape of the wedding venues and its elements, and employ Kano model to examine the different perceived quality of consumers regarding the attributes of wedding servicescape.
This study was conducted during September, 2015 to April, 2017, including face-to-face interview and telephone interview to experts who have relevant work experience for more than five years, in order to find out what elements will be considered in the site design of wedding banquet venues. Then, this study employs a website survey to whom have participated in a wedding in the past six months in Taipei area. In total, 355 respondents were collected. There are 6 factors, 29 items in wedding servicescape, factors including table-setting and interior decoration, stage, layout, atmosphere, ancillary facilities and staff. The results indicate that, among the 29 items classified by Kano model, must-be quality elements account for the largest proportion, 3 in one-dimensional quality, 7 in attractive quality and 6 in indifferent quality. The study built up the scale of wedding servicescape, and provide references for venues owner or wedding managers to strengthen their own products and service quality among wedding servicescape. |