The purpose of this study is to examine Indonesian tourist behavior toward Singapore as their destination place for vacation. Indonesian tourist behavior such as motivation, satisfaction, revisit intention and destination image will be examined in this study. This research distributed and collected 416 respondents and the demographic profile of the respondents are Indonesian who have experienced to go Singapore for holiday within 3 years. Using SPSS 23.0 to analyzed the data. This research applying descriptive analysis, reliability coefficient, independent sample T-test, ANOVA, simple linear regression and the correlation analysis to examine the data. The finding of this study is most of Indonesian tourist motive to go Singapore as their destination place is for relaxation and enhance their relationship with others. Regarding Image of Singapore most of Indonesian have positive image about Singapore. Furthermore, Indonesian tourist also felt satisfied with their experience in Singapore. Most of them felt satisfied with Singapore airport, convenient transportation, tourist attraction and shopping. Because of Indonesian tourist felt satisfied with Singapore, they tend to revisit again and recommend Singapore to others. Through simple linear regression and correlation; the finding of hypothesis 1(tourist motivation has positive relationship with tourist satisfaction, hypothesis 2 (destination image and tourist satisfaction has positive relationship), and hypothesis 3 (tourist satisfaction has positive relationship with revisit intention) are supported.