近年來,政府大力推展生物科技產業,但台灣現有農業生技公司大都屬於成立不久且資本額小的中小型企業,資金相對缺乏。因此,如何促進農企業與資本市場進行聯結,則有賴建置一套完整之法令與配套機制,以利未來相關政策之落實。故本研究主要針對農業生物科技公司興櫃及上櫃 ( 市 ) 相關議題進行分析兩階段專家問卷調查,第一階段採用模糊德菲法 (Fuzzy Delphi Method) 尋得共識因子,第二階段利用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 進行相對權數重要性分析;瞭解農業生物科技公司興櫃及上櫃 ( 市 ) 之關鍵因素,並提出相關的政策建議。
Recently, the Taiwanese government has exerted great efforts in promoting bio-technology. However, most agriculture technology companies are medium and small size companies that lack funds for development. It is, therefore, necessary to build comprehensive laws and a system to help build close connections between agriculture enterprises and the capital market, so that related policies can be implemented as well. This study focuses on analyzing issues related to agricultural bio-technology companies through two stages of questionnaires. The first stage used the Fuzzy Delphi Method to find the consensus factor. The second stage used Analytic Hierarchy Process to study the importance of relative weights. This study investigates the key causes and effects of the initial public offering plans of agricultural bio-technology companies, and finally proposes appropriate policies.